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Home Education

One-to-one and small group sessions

Mainstream education isn’t for everyone - this can be due to a myriad of reasons. At Easy As Pi you are not judged for making the decision to home educate your child - you are among a huge number that do precisely that each year. 

Parents understand the importance of ensuring that their child has basic numeracy, and many want their child to be able to sit exams in the future or to be able to access college courses. Maths passes at GCSE level, which can include functional skills, are necessary for most college courses and if a student doesn’t have a maths qualification at the age of 16, then it is compulsory to continue to study maths until 18 or a GCSE level pass is achieved.


Studying some maths at a younger age will mean that your child doesn’t feel totally alienated by college maths classes. These 'rules' around subject passes for college are also true for English GCSE, and some of the classes for home-educated students cover both subjects, or I can put you in touch with English tutors that offer separate classes for home- educated students.

I can advise on what you need to do to ensure that you meet the criteria set by your local council for providing your child with an education. Maths is an important subject and one that many parents find difficult to teach.


I offer one-to-one and small group session during the day for home-educated children. We will cover the basics of maths and numeracy so that your child can access maths lessons in further education if they wish, or we can focus on GCSE work so that your child can sit their maths GCSE as a private candidate. I also run a group offering English and maths combined for home educated students.

I am affiliated with Tutors & Exams, a company that enables private students to sit GCSE, functional skills and A Level exams. This means that I can give parents advice on the cost of a private entry and give a discount to any parent wishing their child to take GCSEs or any other exam with them.  

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Prices for Home Ed sessions

One-to-one sessions cost £37 per hour for KS3 or GSCE during daytime hours (and £45 per hour during after school hours).


One-to-one A Level sessions cost £45 per hour during daytime hours (and £50 per hour during after school hours).


Group sessions range from £8 to £20, with a maximum of eight students per class. Sessions are 60 minutes long.

Get in touch.

Additional Subjects

We offer maths, science and English tuition. If you're interested in additional subjects, we work closely with a network of online tutors.

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